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Bingham admits he didn’t take his chances in Yan defeat

STUART BINGHAM admits he paid the price for not taking his chances in the 5-3 defeat to Yan Bingtao at the Evergrande China Championship.

Last season’s Rookie of the Year Yan (pictured) carried on his strong start to the season with an eye-catching win on the opening morning in in Guangzhou.

Ballrun said: “I had good preparation before heading to Hong Kong and got there a couple of days early to get use to the time difference and meet with a potential sponsor.

“And I felt fine going into the match and won a couple of scrappy frames to go 2-0 up.

“But he got in first in the next three and, eventhough he didn’t make frame-winning breaks, he got the advantage and went 3-2 up.

“I won a convincing sixth frame but didn’t take full advantage of my chances in the next two and that cost me the match.

“I don’t think either of us played or scored that well, but winning is all that matters at the end of the day.

“I’ve now got a few days off before heading back to the UK but it’s been a great trip and I’ve seen some good friends in China.

“It was also great to see Mike Sharp, the owner of Cue Creator, who flew over from Australia to meet and catch up. It was nice to have his support.”

Bingham is next in action at the Paul Hunter Classic (August 23-27) where he will face his fifth Chinese opponent of the season in Yu De Lu.

By James Colasanti

Journalist at CogitoPR.